Servite Roman Catholic Primary School

Parish Links


At Servite, we are privileged to have such a special bond with Our Lady of Dolours, our school parish.

From class visits to regular celebrations in the church, we work as a community to nurture the spiritual lives of our children. So many of our current – and past - pupils give up their time to become altar servers and to sing with the church choir, which we feel is testament to our sense of community.

School Mass

It is a priority as a Catholic school to foster an understanding of the faith, which is why we teach our children how to worship in a formal setting from a young age.

Our Key Stage Two classes take it in turn to attend a weekly Mass where they recognise the importance of respect and reverence and what is expected of them in a church setting. We encourage the children to take part in singing, prayer and communion when they join us in celebration.


Visits from the Friars

The parish team visit our children on a regular basis. These visits allow our pupils to get to know the priests and to ask any questions they may have related to current RE topics or to the liturgical year. We recognise how fortunate we are to have these close links and continue to look for ways to ensure that this relationship flourishes.  

Sacrament of The Eucharist

Year 3 is an important year in the spiritual lives of our children. The school support the parish in offering the opportunity to grow in their faith and  o encourage children to take part in the parish First Holy Communion Programme.

Attending classes after school, the children begin to nurture a more in-depth understanding of their faith and learn how to live a more spiritual life, culminating in a wonderful celebration in the church with friends and family in the Summer Term.

 Our Lady of Dolours

Servite Roman Catholic Primary School takes its name from the Servite Order which was founded in Florence in 1233. In 1864, the Servite Order came to England and a school was established.

Although the school has changed its name and location several times since then, it remains under the trusteeship of the Servite Friars and we are fortunate to work in close partnership with the Parish Team. The School is a mere stone's throw from the magnificent Our Lady of Dolours Church. 

The Parish Team play an active role in the prayer life of the school by visiting classes, attending assemblies and celebrating school Masses. The feast day of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order falls on 17th February and this is celebrated in school each year.

 The life of the school is centred around our Catholic Faith in which we proclaim the Gospel values of love, peace and justice that influence all our activities and relationships. We aim to create a caring yet challenging atmosphere with high expectations of all children so that they develop and gradually come to understand the Gospel values and the way they influence our lives.

We believe that by providing children with the very best educational experiences and opportunities, recognising their individual talents, ambitions and strengths and guiding them to develop spiritually, emotionally, socially and academically - we will lead our pupils on the path to live their lives fully.